*** Attention: Current axle delivery time has decreased by Dexter to up to 6 weeks ***                                                                                                                                                                                         *** Attention: Current axle delivery time has decreased by Dexter to up to 6 weeks ***
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Cargo carriers and accessories are specific equipment designed and used in large vehicles and trucks for the purpose of storing and transporting goods securely. These include rooftop cargo carriers, hitch-mounted cargo carriers, cargo boxes, cargo baskets, and cargo bags. They come in different shapes and sizes and are often adjustable to accommodate a variety of items. These accessories are typically durable, weather-resistant, and have strong weight capacities to bear the load of the cargo. They provide ample storage space without compromising the seating capacity of the vehicle. The accessories may also include tie-downs, cargo nets, and protective mats to ensure the cargo is secure during transportation. These accessories are essential for road trips, camping, or any long-distance travel that requires carrying large amounts of luggage or equipment.